In 2017, between July 5th and 9th, we participated in the Mondiali Antirazzisti (Anti-Racist World Cup) event held in Bologna, Italy, as the Atletik Dildoa team upon the invitation of the GoALL initiative. The aim of the GoALL initiative was to increase the presence of women and LGBTQIA+ individuals in football teams participating in the tournament. This project provided a platform for teams to meet and participate in the Mondiali Antirazzisti event.
Other formations that participated in the 2017 Mondiali Antirazzisti event included:
- Amateur Women’s Football Club NRG
- Klub Sportowy Kontra
- rede ex aequo
- FemSlam Football
- Sportif Lezbon
- Champions ohne Grenzen – interkulturelle Fußballprojekte für Geflüchtete

Two years ago, our team was prevented from entering a mixed league due to concerns about our name. However, within the framework of Mondiali Antirazzisti, we had an unforgettable match as the Atletik Dildoa team. As a team, we took to the field in a match involving children, once again demonstrating that football is for everyone.

As the Atletik Dildoa team, we had the opportunity to share valuable experiences with other teams composed of LGBTQIA+ individuals and women. Among the other teams that participated in the tournament were AKS ZŁY, Amateur Women’s Football Club NRG, Klub Sportowy Kontra, rede ex aequo, FemSlam Football, Sportif Lezbon, and Champions ohne Grenzen – interkulturelle Fußballprojekte für Geflüchtete. During this event, we engaged in mutual exchange of experiences with other teams.

Although this tournament was a multicultural gathering and provided an environment where LGBTQIA+ individuals were welcome and even children’s teams had the opportunity to play matches, the camp was not entirely free from sexism and homophobia. During meetings held on the final day of the tournament, the behaviors that made women and LGBTQIA+ teams uncomfortable were discussed, particularly the aggressive attitudes of some male teams and the absence of transgender individuals at the event was also brought up.

Players from Turkey organized a protest after news emerged of the detention of human rights activists. At the Amnesty International Bologna stand, players supported the activists with the message “We are not few, we are not small.”